Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Nikken Review, Is It A Scam Or Legitimate Opportunity?


Nikken bills itself as a worldwide leader in wellness since they were founded in
1975. Nikken was created to offer people an improved way of living. In this Nikken review, we will look at the products and opportunity so that decision can be determined on whether there is a Nikken scam. Or, is this a legitimate opportunity for the Nikken distributor?

Since this is a Japanese based direct-selling company, the Nikken vision includes an understanding that total wellness rests on the 5 Pillars of Health - Healthy Body, Mind, Family, Society and Finances. It is thought that balance in all of these areas can help produce a healthier and more satisfying lifestyle. Wellness emphasizes prevention, avoiding illness rather than curing it, therefore following the traditional approach of Western medicine that concentrates on curing disease.

One of the top selling product lines is the Nikken magnets. They are incorporated into functional, fashionable jewelry for men and women. The jewelry combines magnets, far-infrared and negative ions that offer elegant looks and promote wellness at the same time. This is only one aspect of their magnetics line which also includes shoe magnet insole pads. On the other hand from the Nikken magnets line, there is the line of Nikken nutrition. With an emphasis on whole foods and natural ingredients, Kenzen Wellness offers a variety of balance in a stressed out and nutritionally challenged world. This includes daily nutrition, weight management, organic skin care, and even fitness shoes. The product line is very large, and goes from one spectrum to another.

It is very evident now that there is no Nikken scam. This Nikken review seems to show a legitimate business with a variety of products. However, there is a large variety which can pose a problem to a new Nikken distributor. Will they be flabbergasted by the enormity of products and lines of products this company offers? This can sometimes be a deal breaker when finding new distributors. With that in mind, HOW will they find new distributors? Many new home business opportunists want simplicity with just a few products to sell, and something that is unique and has no competition.

William Drapcho
Internet Marketing Coach

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